Don't code the boring parts

Generate them instantly with one of the following:

Build a GraphQL CRUD API in minutes. Outputs clean code like it was hand written. Modify everything
- NestJS
- Prisma ORM
- Authentication and authorization


React code base generator for landing pages or SaaS apps. Build up to 10x faster
- Lots of templates
- Chose your stack
- Material UI
- Stripe integration

Anima app

Generates React or Vue presentational components from Figma or Sketch
- Bootstrap, MUI, Recharts, and AntDesign
- Colaborate between designers and developers without handoffs
- Storybook integration in Beta


Flutter code generator. Build applications faster than ever.
- beautiful UI
- visual editor
- extensible with custom code


Generate Full stack applications
- Rest API
- Frontend with React, Vue or Angular
- Backend with Express
- SQL or MongoDB


Turn Your Prisma Schema into a Secure Fullstack App in Minutes
- ORM With Access Control
- Automatic CRUD API
- Frontend Query Code Generation

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